Frequently asked questions.

What is Colorado Covid Care’s relationship to Helios Integrated Medicine?

C.C.C. is a clinic inside its parent clinic, Helios Integrated Medicine. The staff are the same for both clinics though we have added staff to accommodate the needs of long COVID patients. Having a separate long COVID clinic allows us to focus on the unique challenges the long haulers experience. This arrangement also allows us to more effectively communicate to the larger community our commitment to the long COVID care.

What if I live out of state?

In order to stay compliant with our medical license, our first visit will need to be scheduled to be in person. After that, we would need to see you in person at least once annually.

To help you determine if you would like to arrange for travel, we would be happy to schedule a “Meet and Greet” appointment by phone or video free of charge. After your first in-person visit, we can continue care by phone or video communication.

Does Colorado Covid Care take Insurance?

Colorado Covid Care at Helios Integrated Medicine is out of network with all insurance companies. You will be charged for time spent with your practitioner during visits. New patient appointments are typically one hour in length. Follow-up visits can run anywhere from 20-45 minutes. You will only be charged for the time spent with your practitioner. We can provide you with a “Super Bill” at the end of each visit so you can submit it to insurance for reimbursement if you wish.
* This does not apply to Medicare, Our bills cannot be submitted to Medicare
* Some lab tests ordered here can be billed through insurance

What are your rates?:


Pierre Brunschwig, MD

Pro-rated by the minute ($6.50)

$390 / hr

Deborah Breakell, NP

Pro-rated by the minute ($5.25)

$315 / hr

Margaret Hampton, MS

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

New Patients, 1.5 hours - $150

Follow-Up, 1 hour - $100

Chinese Herb Consultation, 1 hour - $85


Cristi Clark, RN

Starting at $100 (Varies by content)
